Amplified Spontaneous Emission broadband low coherence light source
Our partner OZ-Optics did release the ASE (Amplified Spontaneous Emission) broadband low coherence light source is an ideal instrument for optical component spectral measurement and system compliance testing in manufacturing and R&D environments. The ASE source comes with a flat spectrum with peak-to-peak ripples less than 1 dB over 1529 nm to 1562 nm, which makes it very useful for Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio and sensor interrogation applications. The unit comes with a nominal 13 dBm output power and it is provided with an internal or external monitor port. The output light is accessed via a pigtailed 9/125 μm singlemode fiber. A variety of standard connector types are available. Custom connectors can also be accommodated. The unit is packaged in a low profile OEM box with built-in driver and microprocessor, with a default RS-232 interface.