just a nice view from our office
A nice view, we would like to share, Our view, frosted ground and optical phenomena in the air, all happening just outside our office. #photonics is everywhere
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A nice view, we would like to share, Our view, frosted ground and optical phenomena in the air, all happening just outside our office. #photonics is everywhere
During the past years material processing, using ultra-short laser pulses, has undergone a considerable development and is used for growing amounts of applications. Researchers of the German government institute Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) and Steinbeis-Transferzentrum Technische Beratung und…
Register now for our next WEB seminar on 24 November 2020, 2:00pm! You want to know:Which interferometric measuring system is suitable for which measuring task? Which factors influence measurement uncertainties? How you can implement an Abbe error-free measurement setup? What…
Does your laser system always produce the exact same energy output? Many elements such as the optical components and surrounding environment have an impact on the energy your beam delivers. If you manufacture medical equipment, you need to ensure patient’s…
The process of transforming a Raman spectrum into a dependable "answer" or solution to a problem takes many steps. It starts with careful research and method development in the lab, and comes to life with custom instrumentation, optimization, and pilot…
Let's celebrate DAY OF PHOTONICS! In our day to day life we are surrounded with photonics, from the rays of the sun which provide us light and heat, to the less visible core-processor of your phone where during the production…
Our partner Photonics Industries (PI), The Pioneer of Intracavity Solid-State Harmonic Lasers, has received the 2020 Laser Focus World Innovators Award for its new: SN Series - flexible ns/ps pulse width laser With nothing comparable on the market, Photonics Industries’…
Gentec-EO is doing a webinar on October 8 about how to monitor laser system performance with power measurement. Does your laser system always produce the exact same output? To ensure consistent, repeatable results, it is important to track your system’s…
The high-gain properties in avalanche photodiodes (APDs) make these devices an ideal choice for low-light-level detection in optical communications, spectroscopy, range finding, and many other applications for medical, industrial, telecommunications, automotive, defense, and aerospace industries. This webinar examines the unique…
Simply disinfect Aerosoles with UV-C Led's, conventional systems using mercury lamps operate at 254 nm. 254 nm is not the peak absorption wavelength of bacteria and viruses, but is a convenient line of mercury, therefore mercury is and was used…