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News letter – Autumn 2020

Newsflash – Autumn 2020 – Update’s – Webinars – Productnews – 
Te Lintelo Systems Logo - Photonics. our passion

Autumn is coming, you are welcome for a cup coffee or tea!

The last quarter of 2020 has started. A quarter which under normal circumstances is pretty predictable, with a lot of shows and customer visits. Currently we are still bonded by the Covid-19 regulations, which can change weekly. We try to make the best of it and think in possibilities.

What seems to be possible this quarter is the Precision fair. We decided to participate, only under such circumstances that we can commit to the Covid-19 regulations and do not believe our personal or customers health will be affected.

Customer visits are also one of the possibilities. At TLS you are welcome for a cup of coffee or tea, in our new office we have enough space to keep social distance, but we are also willing to visit you. For this purpose, we have our TLS facemasks.

Stay Safe, we hope to see you soon!

Your Te Lintelo Systems Team

Enjoy reading Esther, Ben, Ruud, Lars, Monique & Roland

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Gigahertz-OptikBTS256-UV – Mobile UV spectroradiometer!

Mobile UV spectroradiometer for irradiance and dose for intensive radiation sources in the wavelength range from 200 nm to 525 nm.

Typical applications for high-intensity radiation sources in the ultraviolet and blue spectral range are UV radiation curing, solar simulation, UV sterilization, UV test systems, and UV sewer rehabilitation. For process-based applications with repetitive measurement tasks, broadband radiometers such as the X11 with RCH-116-4 are generally the most effective solution because of their ease of use, value for money, and low re-calibration cost.

Spectroradiometers such as the BTS256-UV are an alternative to broadband radiometers that provide additional information about the spectral distribution of radiation sources. The spectral information is particularly important if the wavelength-dependent aging behavior of broadband UV lamps must be investigated or if the irradiance must be measured in different wavelength ranges. This is also important if sources of differing spectral distribution must be measured. For this purpose, broadband radiometers ideally require separate calibration factors that take these spectral differences into account. This is not necessary with spectroradiometers. In addition, spectroradiometers offer more precise measured values than broadband radiometers. This is due to their spectral sensitivity function which corresponds to a rectangular function in the selected spectral measuring range. For precise measurements in the UV spectral range, very good stray-light rejection is necessary, which is not provided by the array spectrometers typically available on the market.

Take a look at the full specs on our website.

Make up for lost time with a new white light laser

The world is indeed changing and many of us have spent hours at home behind the computer screen.

Some spent time learning a new skill or cooking fantastic food. Maybe you missed your colleagues or your lab? Maybe it left you with a feeling of being delayed and wanting to leap ahead? Don’t worry – we can help!

Our are an industry-leading range of turn-key supercontinuum white light lasers. They are extremely robust and reliable and a perfect light source for applications that require broadband high-intensity light.

* The Best
When you require the best, go for the – our newest white light laser with all the latest features.

* Great Value
Great value and performance. With thousands of lasers in the field, the is your trusted workhorse.
Get it now on sale, and hurry – we only have limited stock!

* Level up
Got an old laser that needs replacing? We got you covered! Trade-in your white light laser and get a new at our lowest price.

Contact Ruud or Lars for pricing and info!

maXee® 3D

Relaxed Working with a Clear View on Brilliant 3D Images – Perfect Ergonomics for Your Quality Control and Production

Relaxed posture at the workplace, eye-friendly viewing of objects on the monitor: Digital 2D video microscopy is an immense progress from classic stereo microscopy due to the improved ergonomics. The systems has only ever delivered two-dimensional images – until now. SAC maXee® 3D is the innovative three-dimensional video microscope. Users see on the monitor what has always been there, but not visible up to now: the exact spatial structure of the object. Surface defects can be evaluated better, and real-time precision work can be performed much more precisely with the system.

Areas of Application:

  • Quality control, visual inspection tasks with high throughput
  • Precision work such as assembly of smallest components, connector assembly, solder joint inspection, etc.
  • Monitoring of spatial structures (crystallography, materials science, etc.)

maXee® 3D Your benefits:

  • High-resolution 3D image material makes fatigue-free working possible.
  • Ergonomics at the workplace is paramount.
    An upright sitting position and a relaxed arm position are the prerequisite for the effective handling and viewing of smallest parts during assembly and control. The amply dimensioned free working space enables you to position the monitor directly behind the object. A round back resulting from viewing the image through an eyepiece or a twisted upper body posture when viewing the monitor are now things of the past.
  • “No Latency” for highest-precision work
    Movements are displayed in the 3D image without latency. This means real-time handling, which enables you to work faster and more precisely.
  • Uncomplicated commissioning and simple handling
  • Fast documentation of the work results
    A screenshot can be made by pushing a button anytime and the frozen image can be saved via USB stick/network or used for further processing.

Check out the system at the Precision fair, or book your onside demo! Contact Ruud for more info.

M3-LS-3.4 Linear Smart Stage Developers’ Kit

Micropositioning stage with embedded controller has 0.5 µm resolution, absolute position encoding,

Our newest linear microstage has a 15 mm travel range and moves loads of 200 grams (horizontal orientation) or 100 grams (vertical orientation). This is more than 2x longer travel and 10x greater force than our original M3-LS micro positioning stage.

As with all M3 modules, the piezoelectric micro motor and all drive electronics are completely integrated in the tiny stage housing. There is no external control board, making it fast and easy to integrate into OEM instruments.

Learn more

View the intro movie here, ask our team for pricing.

Wasatch Photonics

UV Raman Spectrometer

Our valued partner Wasatch Photonics is proud to announce the addition of a compact, cost-effective UV Raman spectrometer to its family of modular Raman spectroscopy products. The expands on the company’s existing range of high sensitivity research and OEM Raman solutions spanning 405 to 1064 nm. Use of UV excitation makes the WP 248 ideal for fluorescence-free Raman spectroscopy, as well as UV resonance Raman (UVRR) to enhance sensitivity and selectivity. Applications range from gas detection and materials analysis to UVRR studies of structure and dynamics in biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids.

The WP 248 is a stand-alone UV Raman spectrometer with free space input and an f/2.0 numerical aperture for superior signal collection and high throughput detection. It covers a range of 400 to 3200 cm-1 with 14 cm-1 resolution, and employs a UV-enhanced CCD for detection. It is designed for use with a compact 248.6 nm NeCu laser, and comes with a triggering cable to synchronize acquisition with the laser. Data collection and spectrometer control is included through the company’s own and for C/C++, C#, Python, LabVIEW, MATLAB, and other languages.

UV Raman offers for applications that may be challenging using visible and NIR excitation wavelengths. By exciting and collecting Raman spectra at wavelengths below 300 nm, UV Raman avoids interfering signal caused by native autofluorescence from the sample. This improves signal to noise for highly fluorescing samples, and enables trace detection of analytes within a more complex sample matrix. Applications include pressure measurement and trace detection of gases, as well as combustion studies, solid-state materials analysis, and characterization of strongly fluorescing beverages.

Call us for more info!

Manx Precision OpticsHigh Damage Threshold Optics

Our contracted manufacturer Manx Precision Optics offers a large range of high-power laser optics that can be customised based on customer demands and applications. With special expertise in High LIDT optics, our coatings typically exceed laser-induced damage levels of 10J/cm2 in 1ns at 10Hz repetition rate.

Find all products here and check with us on pricing.

Stock ClearanceStock Clearance

We have multiple items on sale, for instance a Hyperchromator, fiber lasers, a multiplexer and a ready to go Raman 785 kit.

To give you a nice overview we have published them on our website, you can find them here.

Items with pricing, can be ordered straight away from the website. For items without pricing we are more then happy to provide you with a personal quotation.

All items will be provided with limited warranty, varying from 6 months to the full normal warranty.

“Your source for optical components”

we are your source for optical components


OZ Optics - Te Lintelo SystemsGentec-eo parters for accuracy LASOS world of photonics - Te Lintelo Systems Instrument Systems - Te Lintelo Systems piezosystemjena Princeton Instruments - Te Lintelo SystemsOwis NKT PhotonicsGigahertz-Optik - Te Lintelo SystemsCLYDE-Hyper-Spectral-Imaging - Te Lintelo Systems Eksma Optics - Te Lintelo SystemsWasatch Photonics - Te Lintelo Systems Photonics Industries Lasers - Te Lintelo SystemsNEOSPECTRA SI-Ware - Te Lintelo SystemsGooch and Housego - Te Lintelo SystemsJenOptik LogoNewScale Technologies Mountain PhotonicsSpot Optics- Te Lintelo Systems LaserVision - Te Lintelo SystemsSIOS Messtechnik GmbH - Te Lintelo Systems Solar Light -Te Lintelo Systems Maxee 3d by SAC VisionQuantum Light InstrumentsDiode Laser Concepts - Te Lintelo SystemsFiberware - Te Lintelo SystemsAndover Cooperation - Te Lintelo Systems Manx - Te Lintelo SystemsPhoton EtcOptosky

For more information please contact


Te Lintelo Systems BV – Mercurion 28 A – 6903 PZ  Zevenaar – The Netherlands
+31 316 340804 –


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