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Newsflash – AgriFood Tech  2019 – Te Lintelo Systems bv

Newsflash – AgriFood Tech  2019 – 
Te Lintelo Systems Logo - Photonics is our passion

With a little less then a month before we enter a new decenium, we have one show on our agenda which we want you to get aware of. You read below the details of our apperance at the show.

AgriFoodTech 2019 & More

Find us at the AgriFoodTech, December 11 & 12th, Brabanthallen, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, booth 30

You can follow one of these lectures presented by our partners:

Agrifoodtech Workshop, 12 December: 10:10-10:30 – “Miniaturized, Low Cost NIR spectrometer for Smart Food & Smart Agriculture applications.”, Botros George, Si-ware

Lecturetrack Photonica in collaboration with TNO, 12 december: 15:20-15:45 – “Hyperspectral imaging for Food Quality Control”, Dr. John R. Gilchrist, CAMLIN Photonics Ltd, room 3

Enjoy reading

Esther, Ben, Lars, Monique & Roland

Photonics IndustriesOCT Peeks into Pumkins

We’re often most frightened of those things we can’t see or understand. Fortunately optical coherence tomography gives us ‘eyes’ to see below the surface, revealing detailed structure at the micron level through non-contact, nondestructive imaging. This technology can be applied to tissue in the body as easily as plant tissue (like pumpkin), and can be used for research, diagnostics, or even quality control.

OCT provides cross-sectional images 1-10 mm deep into materials, which can be combined to create 3D volume views, or to see an x-y plane at a specified depth in a sample. This OCT image taken of pumpkin rind from the inside in cross-section shows very clearly the large cells that make up its tissue. It was taken with one of our WP OCT 800 systems, designed using a high-resolution, high-speed Cobra S 800 spectrometer.

See how the fibers mysteriously appear and disappear in the video below? We’ve re-analyzed a 3D section of pumpkin tissue to give a top-down (eg., en face) view, zooming from the exposed surface into its depths to show the fibers of vascular tissue that pervade the mesocarp, the fleshy tissue that makes up a pumpkin’s shell (explore the pumpkin’s fascinating anatomy from a practical viewpoint ).

View the OCT video here

NeoSpectra big in Food & Farming applications

NeoSpectra sensors are miniature and low cost spectral sensors that can be used in a wide variety of material sensing applications.  The sensors offer performance comparable to laboratory based spectrometers, but at dramatically smaller sizes and lower costs.

The sensors are based on Fourier Transform InfraRed (FT-IR) technology, which is a standard technique used in laboratory based spectrometers that offers a wide spectral range for the best qualification and quantification of materials.  The sensors used patented Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology, which allows for a Michelson interferometer to be created monolithically on a MEMS chip.

Today NeoSpectra sensors operate in the Near-Infrared (NIR) from 1,350 to 2,500 nm.  This wavelength range goes up to the highest point of the NIR and is the widest range versus comparable solutions.

NeoSpectra scanners are portable and handheld spectral sensing devices that can be used in a wide variety of material sensing applications. The scanners enable the development of in-field material analysis applications in various industries.

The scanners incorporate NeoSpectra sensors that operate over a wide spectral range in the NIR (1,250 – 2,500 nm), offering the best qualification and quantification of materials.

More application ideas can be find here

JenoptikClimatic challenges for outdoor optical radiation measurements

Instrumentation for measuring solar radiation is often subject to extreme climatic conditions as much research is necessarily located high in mountain areas or other hostile environments such as the Arctic and Antarctic regions. For example, the High Altitude Research Station, Jungfraujoch (HSFJG) [1] Switzerland is located 3456 m above sea level. It has been the location for solar radiation measurements with both broadband radiometers and spectroradiometers since the 1980’s. One research project undertaken during the months of October and November investigated whether the broadband device WPD-UVA-03 (Gigahertz-Optik GmbH) was suitable as a monitor detector for relatively slow scanning spectroradiometers such as the Bentham DTM300 double monochromator.

The broadband measuring device was exposed to very demanding weather conditions.

More info can be found here

“Your source for optical components”

we are your source for optical components

Separating the wheat from the chaff with SIMCA

Assorted grainsNear-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is routinely used to analyze grain identity and grain quality in agricultural production, and at various stages of processing. To work in these environments it must be rapid, consistent, capable of delivering robust answers, and preferably compact. To demonstrate the suitability of our and for these types of applications, we measured the NIR diffuse reflectance spectra of a dozen grain types, performing PCA, and applying SIMCA as a simple classification method for grain identification. Not only could they separate the wheat from the chaff, but they did so with great confidence.

Read the full story on our website

Webinar on LightField December 11th 19:00u

Assorted grainsRegister for our free webinar on LightField software, Dec. 11 at 19:00. Whether you are getting started doing a new imaging experiment using a Teledyne Princeton Instruments camera or doing your first step with one of our spectrographs, LightField software will most likely be how you will interact with your system and acquire data. This webinar will give a short introduction to setting up and acquiring data from experiments as well as show workflows to quickly analyze and present the acquired data.

Register at:

Gentec-eo parters for accuracyWasatch Photonics - Te Lintelo Systems LaserVision - Te Lintelo Systems LASOS world of photonics - Te Lintelo Systems Instrument Systems - Te Lintelo Systems OZ Optics - Te Lintelo Systems piezosystemjenaManx - Te Lintelo Systems Diode Laser Concepts - Te Lintelo Systems Camlin Photonics - Te Lintelo Systems Andover Cooperation - Te Lintelo Systems Eksma Optics - Te Lintelo Systems Gooch and Housego - Te Lintelo SystemsSpot Optics- Te Lintelo SystemsNEOSPECTRA SI-Ware - Te Lintelo Systems SIOS Messtechnik GmbH - Te Lintelo Systems Solar Light -Te Lintelo Systems JenOptik LogoMaxee 3d by SAC VisionQuantum Light InstrumentsOwisMountain PhotonicsFiberware - Te Lintelo SystemsPhotonics Industries Lasers - Te Lintelo Systems Gigahertz-Optik - Te Lintelo SystemsPrinceton Instruments - Te Lintelo SystemsNewScale TechnologiesPhoton EtcOptoskyOSI optoElectronics - Te Lintelo Systems

We look forward to supplying you with all the material and information you need and answering any question.
For more information please contact

Te Lintelo Systems BV – Mercurion 28 A – 6903 PZ  Zevenaar – The Netherlands
+31 316 340804 –

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