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Newsflash – LASER World of PHOTONICS

Newsflash – LASER World of PHOTONICS
Te Lintelo Systems Logo - Photonics is our passion

Newsflash LASER World of PHOTONICS

With LASER World of PHOTONICS on our footstep, companies are presenting their product releases and updates one by one. To make your life a little easier we have combined the major updates in this newsflash, inlcuding the booth numbers where to find the products at the in Munich based show.

The Te Lintelo Systems team is available at the show, are you looking for something specific or want support, let us know !

Looking forward to meet you at LASER World of PHOTONICS!

Enjoy reading,
Esther, Ben, Monique, Danny & Roland

Gentec EO logoPowerdetectors for lasers with extreme power and energy density

Gentec-EO launches a new series of laser power detectors specifically designed for high energy, solid-state lasers.
Thanks to a proprietary absorber that diffuses the measured beam and absorbs it in a larger volume, the new UP-QED series have the highest damage thresholds on the market: 100 kW/cm2 in power density and up to 300 J/cm2 in energy density.
They are available in 2 sizes: UP16-QED with a 16 mm Ø aperture for small beams, and UP52-QED with a 52 mm Ø aperture for large beams.

Our modular design allows you to choose the cooling unit (simple convection, heatsink, forced air or water-cooled) to reach up to 300 W average power. We also offer various output options: connect the detector to one of our displays & PC interfaces with the standard DB15 output, or choose an all-in-one detector with integrated meter for other output choices: USB, RS-232 or wireless (Bluetooth).

  • Available in 2 sizes: 16 mm or 52 mm Ø aperture
  • Our highest maximum average power density
  • Our highest maximum energy density
  • Up to 300 W of continuous power

Gentec is present at the show on the Laser Components Hall B3 Booth 303

Photonics IndustriesPhotoAcoustic & Biophotonic Lasers

Photonics Industries offer lasers with wavelengths from the MIR (up to 3.4um) to the Vacuum UV (VUV) (as short as ~193nm) at high pulse energies and at kHz rep rates for emerging Photoacoustic & other Biophotonic applications.

As data acquisition and image processing speeds increase there is a need to move to mJs of pulse energies at kHz prfs to make new laser based Photoacoustic & Biophotonic technologies competitive with conventional technologies.
Photonics Industries’ lasers unique features stem from our patented intra-cavity OPO frequency conversion technology. Conventional OPO systems use low repetition rate lasers, typically limited to 100Hz, to pump the OPO. Photonics Industries integrates our OPOs within the Q-switched based oscillator. This design produces kilohertz repetition rates, nominal 10ns pulse durations and milli-Joule (mJ) levels of pulse energy in a single, compact, industry reliable package.

For tunable wavelength lasers, Photonics Industries’ patented TU Series of nano second pulse width Ti:Sapphire lasers are tunable over a wide range of wavelengths and operate at high repetition rates while providing mJ of energy with a very narrow line width. The TU Series combines our field proven diode pumped Nd:YAG or Nd:YLF lasers with one Ti:Sapphire oscillator to provide a reliable and efficient tunable laser in a compact package. By minimizing dispersive optical components in the laser cavity, our TU Series lasers provides superior wavelength stability (typically <0.04 cm-1 over eight hours). The fundamental can be tuned from ~700 nm to ~940 nm. With sum and/or harmonic generations, the tuning range can be extended from 480 nm down to 193 nm.

Photonics Industries is present at the show Hall A3 Booth 100

OwisOWIS® product highlights 2019

„When vision meets solution“ – that is the OWIS® motto for this year’s LASER World of Photonics where we will present our product highlights 2019. Your advantages at a glance:

For your highly dynamic applications, we introduce our linear and rotative positioning units with linear motors (HPL/HPD). Due to the combination of high dynamic and compact design, they are particularly suited for industrial use.

The new PS 90+ control offers a significant higher processing speed and additional industrial BUS systems. The revised OWISoft 3 software convinces with its new design and intuitive usability.

Ease of use:
Thanks to the FGSM motorized fine-thread screw you can adjust inaccessible places of your assembly via remote control. Optics holders as well as manual positioners can be equipped – also subsequently- with these screws. The exchange is uncomplicated and can be done on site.

OWIS® presents the leap into pressure ranges of 1E( 11) mbar, the so-called eXtreme Ultra High Vacuum, funded by the German BMWi/ZIM. The corpus of the XUHV products consists of nickel-plated aluminium, which makes them extremely lightweight and robust.
Long travel ranges:
The belt-driven, motorized positioning stage MPV allows long travel ranges with an excellent price-performance ratio.

Interested? Visit us in hall B2 on booth 215 and convince yourself on the spot.

Investigating 2D materials using new, ultrasensitive NIR spectroscopy

June 20, 2019 at 18:00 – Webinar

Two-dimensional (2D) materials are exciting new additions to photonics, enabling new paths in research and potentially leading to innovative practical components. Van der Waals heterostructures are constructed of 2D materials such as transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) and hexagonal boron nitride.
The special properties of these materials enable the exploration of new physics and quantum-optical effects. We will explain how new devices built by stacking monolayers of MoSe2 and WSe2 are used to explore the nature of optical generated excitons.
The photoluminescence energy of these excitons can be tuned by applying electric fields and we are able to observe diffusion across samples as well as control their energy, movement, and density.
The results pave the way for new optoelectronic devices and are a step towards exploring Bose-Einstein condensates at high temperatures in a solid state platform. We will also show new developments in spectroscopic equipment and scientific cameras that facilitate this research with unprecedented sensitivity for detection in the near IR wavelength range.

What You’ll Learn:
Physics, engineering and manufacturing of 2D material devices
Latest developments in spectroscopy camera technology
How to increase efficiency of measurements in the NIR by 200-500%

Who Should Attend:
Scientists, engineers and managers working in material science, physics, 2D materials and/or optics,,optical measurements, spectroscopy and photonics.

Want to follow the webinar, subscribe here!

Princeton Instruments is present at the show Hall A2 Booth 109

Wasatch Photonics LOGOOCT below the surface

Curious about optical coherence tomography? Learn about this highly versatile technique, its applications, and the solutions we offer in our new OCT brochure.

Visit wasatch at the LASER show  – Hall A2 Booth 126 –  to see OCT in action! 

OCT brochure

Logo Instrument Systems Easy blue-light hazard evaluation

The original standard IEC 62471 for photobiological safety is open to broad interpretation, and overall it is difficult to implement in practice. More practically oriented methods for evaluating the blue light hazard of light sources are to be introduced with the new standard IEC 62778.
On the basis of current discussions, Instrument Systems has modified its TOP 150 telescopic optical probe with the aim of satisfying the new requirements in a simple measurement set-up. In conjunction with a spectroradiometer, the adapted TOP 150 reliably determines the blue-light hazard. Compared to previous measurement solutions the TOP 150 is a fast, low-budget alternative with a commensurately high accuracy of results.

Implementation of the previously applicable standard with an array spectroradiometer:
“Stray light correction for array spectroradiometers” (pdf)

Proficient implementation of new standards in light measurement technology
At the show Instrument Systems will be showcasing powerful applications for high-precision spectral radiometry in light measurement technology. The emphasis will lie on user-friendly measurements according to the latest test standards for

(1) the OEM specification of automotive displays and
(2) blue-light hazard of LEDs.

In addition, Instrument Systems will be exhibiting advanced light measurement technology for the

(3) qualification of narrow band light sources and
(4) simultaneous measurements over broad wavelength ranges.

Instrument Systems can be find in Hall A2 booth 215

Diffuse reflective synthetic material machined plates in optical quality.

ODM98 is commonly used as reflectance standards (flat surface) for the calibration of:

  • Spectrophotometers
  • Imaging System Pixel Uniformity
  • Reflectance Meters
  • Surface Color Meters

ODM98-MP are square plates with surfaces machined to a flat optical finish. Gigahertz-Optik GmbH stocks different size machined plates at a thickness of 10.5mm. For OEM applications custom sizes, shapes and thicknesses are available.

ODM98-MPT are square plates with one surface machined to a flat optical finish and with double-sided adhesive tape on the other side providing a simple means of mounting the plate. Gigahertz-Optik GmbH stocks different sizes of taped machined plates. For OEM applications custom sizes, shapes and thicknesses are supplied.

BN-R98 Reflectance Standards are ODM98-MP plates or ODM98-MD discs supplied in a protective housing with removable cover. Gigahertz-Optik GmbH stocks different sizes of BN-R98 reflectance standards in disc and plate shape. All standards can be supplied with optional spectral reflectance calibration from 250 nm to 2400 nm in 50nm steps. Calibration is done with a double-beam spectrophotometer in 8/d measurement geometry using reflectance standards traceable to national calibration laboratories. For OEM applications custom sizes, shapes and housings are available.

Gigahertz-Optik can be find in Hall A2 booth 500

“Your source for optical components”

we are your source for optical components

Logo NEOSPRECTRAHigh-Throughput NIR Spectrometers

NeoSpectra launched their new sensor recently with an enhanced focus on our capabilities in Smart Farming, Smart Food, Smart Healthcare, Smart Industry and Smart Consumer.

NeoSpectra sensors are used in a broad range of applications across a multitude of industries.

When exploring through our new website we suggest that you visit “What’s Possible”.

The “What’s Possible” section will lead you to links that provide details on current usage cases for NeoSpectra sensors, including AgroCares’ Soil Scanner, Medic’s Lav Urine Analysis and Schwarzkopf’s Professional SalonLab Analyzer.

You can find the NeoSpectra sensor on the MountainPhotonics booth Hall 2, booth 340

Meet us at – Agenda

You can meet us at the following events:

  • LASER World of PHOTONICS, Munich June 24 – 27
  • Dutch Photonics Event 2019, 10 september, TU Delft
  • Precision Fair, November 13 & 14th, NH Conference Centre Koningshof, Veldhoven
  • AgriFoodTech, December 11 & 12th, Brabanthallen, ‘s-Hertogenbosch


Gentec-eo parters for accuracyWasatch Photonics - Te Lintelo Systems LaserVision - Te Lintelo Systems LASOS world of photonics - Te Lintelo Systems Princeton Instruments - Te Lintelo Systems Instrument Systems - Te Lintelo Systems OZ Optics - Te Lintelo Systems Gigahertz-Optik - Te Lintelo Systems Manx - Te Lintelo Systems Diode Laser Concepts - Te Lintelo Systems Camlin Photonics - Te Lintelo Systems Andover Cooperation - Te Lintelo Systems Eksma Optics - Te Lintelo SystemsWelch Allyn - Te Lintelo Systems Gooch and Housego - Te Lintelo SystemsSpot Optics- Te Lintelo SystemsPhotonics Industries Lasers - Te Lintelo SystemsNEOSPECTRA SI-Ware - Te Lintelo Systems SIOS Messtechnik GmbH - Te Lintelo Systems Solar Light -Te Lintelo Systems OSI optoElectronics - Te Lintelo SystemsFiberware - Te Lintelo SystemsPhoton EtcJenOptik LogoQuantum Light InstrumentsOwisMountain Photonics


We look forward to supplying you with all the material and information you need and answering any question.
For more information please contact Your team:



Te Lintelo Systems BV – Mercurion 28 A – 6903 PZ  Zevenaar – The Netherlands
+31 316 340804 –


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