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Newsflash – Spring 2020 – Covid-19 – Webinars – Productnews

Newsflash – Spring 2020 – Covid-19 – Webinars – Productnews – 
Te Lintelo Systems Logo - Photonics. our passion

Our spring newsflash is different then normal, it’s fully loaded with, product news, webinars and a COVID-19 update from our side.

COVID-19 – We are open; even outside business hours

Due to the current situation, we as TLS team, support fully the measures our government takes.
Therefore our team will work mostly remote, our office is open as usual for logistics.

This period asks for flexibility from all of us, taking care of home education for our children, doing our job and staying safe!
We understand you work at “strange hours” too, please feel free to contact us also outside normal business hours, as currently nothing is normal.

Your TLS team

Stay Safe !

Enjoy reading Esther, Ben, Ruud, Lars, Monique & Roland

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Upcomming Webinars

  • New Scale Technologies
  • Photon etc


The Tiny World of Miniaturization in Motors and Motion Control

Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Time: 19:00 CET
Duration: 60 minutes


Motors and motion control components continue to shrink. The trend of miniaturization allows manufacturers to install motors and motion control into smaller and smaller form factors. Miniaturization helps in reducing energy consumption as well as weight, making it attractive to sectors such as aerospace, defense, medical, and science.

Traditional technology requires relatively large designs that are too cumbersome for many applications. The trend toward miniaturization has answered these needs.

This webinar will explore how small, powerful electric motors with a diameter of only a few millimeters have been developed through pioneering innovations and have become useful in many areas of science.

When you attend this webinar, you will learn:

  • Why miniaturization is critical in the motors and motion control market
  • What sectors require small-form motors and motion control
  • How applications benefit from miniaturization
  • What are the physical limitations in shrinking motors and motion control
  • What is the future for miniaturization

Speakers: David Henderson, Founder and CEO, New Scale Technologies, Jim Beretta, President, Customer Attraction


Combine the speed and field of view from hyperspectral global imaging and optoelectronic data from the photometric absolute calibrations

Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2020
Time: 16:00 CET
Duration: 60 minutes

Our partner Photon Etc gives a webinar which will explain how hyperspectral imaging – a non-destructive optical approach – can help face challenges in the field of photovoltaics by providing insight on absorption, degradation, defects and losses. When coupled with photometric absolute calibration, optoelectronic properties such as the Voc, charge transport efficiency and EQE can also be extracted. Having access to those key parameters over a large area can help identify viable candidates and help orient fabrication methods. A technology overview and demonstrations will be carried out in this webinar.

Photon etc.’s is an ultrafast and all-in-one customizable hyperspectral microscope. It rapidly provides spectrally and spatially resolved photoluminescence, electroluminescence, fluorescence, reflectance, and transmittance maps. This imaging system provides hyperspectral imaging solutions in the visible / near-infrared range (400 nm – 1000 nm) as well as in the short-wave infrared range (900 nm – 1620 nm).

The webinar will go live on March 31st and will last about 1 hour. A recording of the webinar will be available afterwards, but you still need to register if you wish to receive it.



PHOTONectNIRvana HS An Unprecedented Combination Of Performance And Value

The NIRvana Revolution, Accelerated.

The NIRvana HS builds on the success of previous models by providing a unique set of features never before offered in high performance Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) cameras.

With unparalleled flexibility, the NIRvana HS runs an amazing 250 frames per second in 16 bit mode while offering both integrate-then-read (ITR) and integrate-while-read (IWR) modes for low noise and high duty cycles. The NIRvana HS also supports multiple Regions of Interest with increased frame rates.NIRvana HS - Princeton Instruments

Advanced Thermal Design

With -55oC deep cooling and low noise electronics, the NIRvana HS reduces ambient NIR radiation, dark current and abnormal pixel count; common issues of InGaAs detectors. Combined with a propriety vacuum sealed chamber, the NIRvana HS is unrivaled in performance and reliability – we’re so sure you won’t need to replace it we offer a lifetime vacuum guarantee!

Superior Imaging & Interface

Struggling with dark signal non-uniformity or point and cluster defects? Advanced pixel correction algorithms enables the NIRvana HS to overcome the limitations of most InGaAs cameras. Realize the benefits of sensitivity across a broad spectral range with QE above 80%.

All of the capability with none of the difficulty – the NIRvana HS is supported by LightField, a powerful analytical tool to elevate your experience and remove the need for third party hardware or software.

NIRvana HS Applications

As the SWIR spectrum becomes crucial for emerging research and industry, the need for user-friendly high-performance cameras is increasing.

So we’ve listened! The NIRvana HS fills the void between lower cost industrial designs and super-cooled SWIR cameras. Whether your application is fluorescence microscopy, nanomaterials, in-vivo imaging, astronomy, agriculture, or semiconductor, the NIRvana HS is the solution.

Get the latest specsheet here, or get more info by contacting our specialists Roland.

Universal mounting plates UMP

Our partner Owis makes it with their universal mounting plates (UMP) now able to mount components with arbitrary grid and adjust these flexibly.

With our universal mounting plates (UMP) you are now able to mount components with arbitrary grid and adjust these flexibly. The smallest grid possible is 20 x 20 mm and the plates are available in two sizes: UMP 84N and UMP 124N.

The setup is fixed by sliding blocks. Thanks to its star-shaped arrangement these can be positioned flexibly. Furthermore, it is possible to insert and remove these at any point of the groove. The sliding blocks will be held securely in place by springs, but can also be loosened and readjusted easily. As standard, we supply sliding blocks with threaded holes for M4 and M6, but we also offer these for M5 or M8 thread upon request.

The universal mounting plates are screwed directly together with another component or setup, such as an optical table or positioner, through four counterbores. The use of further adapter plates is unnecessary. For the linear stage LIMES 124N these replace the mounting plate completely and therefore avoid an additional construction height.

The UMP are included in our standard programme. All mounting plates consist of deformation-resistant aluminium, are black anodized by default and optionally available in other colours. Besides that, a vacuum-prepared version up to 1E(-6) mbar is available upon request.


More info; please contact our specialists Lars or Ruud.


“Your source for optical components”

we are your source for optical components


Integrated force sensor for hpower actuators

Our partner piezosystem jena is now offering an integrated force sensor as additional option for hpower actuators. The sensor is fully integrated into the actuators’ housing, making it possible to detect the forces acting on the piezo without using an additional, external force sensor. In addition to the actuators’ position, the customer has now access to another important metrological quantity. The sensor comes with an additional signal amplifier, which converts the detected force into an analog voltage signal. The system is available for the hpower series VS25, VS35 and VS45.

Product Highlights:

• integrated force sensor element
• separate signal amplifier
• measurement range 0 kN to +5 kN
• output voltage: 0 … +10 V
• compact design
• robust metal casing
• 12VDC power supply


• material testing
• vibration control
• mechanical engineering
• modal analysis

For more information; visit or request at Lars or Ruud

Instrument SystemsHow the quality of displays in the vehicle is measured


Human-machine interfaces (HMI) in vehicles are based on AR/VR systems and displays. Strict requirements apply on the German automobile market in terms of safety, user-friendliness and integral aesthetics. The German Automotive OEM Working Group of the German Flat Display Forum (DFF) is made up of representatives of German car manufacturers, and regularly publishes the requirements for LC displays in vehicles. Before an LC display is accepted by an OEM, the quality must be carefully tested according to fixed criteria. Besides know-what and know-how, high-precision optical measuring technology is called for here.

In addition to the technical parameters, quality standards are being constantly revised. Representatives of OEMs meet regularly at the DFF to discuss and quantify current performance requirements for displays and classify them according to pass/fail criteria. The results of the work are published in the document “Display Specification for Automotive Application” [1]. The overview meanwhile contains over 100 test parameter entries, plus pointers and references to international standards for display testing. The metrological implementation of some test parameter entries is described in the “Display Measurement Specification (DMS) for Automotive TFT-LCDs” [2] published by the DFF. The aim of the two publications is to guarantee objective, constant and high-quality testing of LC displays for use in vehicles over the entire supply chain.

Read the full article here, if you want to have more info contact Monique


Teledyne Princeton InstrumentsReal-Time Imaging of Singlet Oxygen via Innovative
Microspectroscopy Instrument

Singlet oxygen species (1O2) are important in a wide range of biological processes, including immune response, cell signalling, and macro-molecule degradation.

When imaging 1O2 a photosensitizing agent is employed, however light emitted from this agent usually overlaps with 1O2 emission. Researchers at Charles University in Prague created a novel experimental setup to combat this.

Read the full app note !

Gentec-eo parters for accuracyWasatch Photonics - Te Lintelo Systems LaserVision - Te Lintelo Systems LASOS world of photonics - Te Lintelo Systems Instrument Systems - Te Lintelo Systems OZ Optics - Te Lintelo Systems piezosystemjenaManx - Te Lintelo Systems Diode Laser Concepts - Te Lintelo Systems Camlin Photonics - Te Lintelo Systems Andover Cooperation - Te Lintelo Systems Eksma Optics - Te Lintelo Systems Gooch and Housego - Te Lintelo SystemsSpot Optics- Te Lintelo SystemsNEOSPECTRA SI-Ware - Te Lintelo Systems SIOS Messtechnik GmbH - Te Lintelo Systems Solar Light -Te Lintelo Systems JenOptik LogoMaxee 3d by SAC VisionQuantum Light InstrumentsOwisMountain PhotonicsFiberware - Te Lintelo SystemsPhotonics Industries Lasers - Te Lintelo Systems Gigahertz-Optik - Te Lintelo SystemsPrinceton Instruments - Te Lintelo SystemsNewScale TechnologiesPhoton EtcOptoskyOSI optoElectronics - Te Lintelo Systems

We look forward to supplying you with all the material and information you need and answering any question.
For more information please contact

Te Lintelo Systems BV – Mercurion 28 A – 6903 PZ  Zevenaar – The Netherlands
+31 316 340804 –

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