Benchtop Uniform Light Source – RS-7-1
For the ultimate in resolution and accuracy, the SpectralLED® Tunable uniform light source incorporates 35 discrete wavelengths for synthesis of commercially available light sources or based on spectra that you import. The platform is easily adaptable for automated test systems and production line integration, with integrated optical feedback and temperature control to ensure rock-solid stability and consistent results.
- Camera and image sensor calibration
- Photodiode detector responsivity characterization
- Spectrum / illuminant simulation
- Diagnostic medical imaging
- Technical and industrial photography
Unprecedented Resolution & Accuracy
- 75mm Output with Radiance Calibration.
- Includes standard LED set comprised of 32 discrete wavelengths plus 3 broadband channels, covering the 380nm – 1000nm wavelength range.
- Includes built-in integrating sphere, built-in photodiode feedback/monitoring system, onboard thermoelectric cooling for the LED array, and independent 16-bit DC constant current drivers for every LED channel.
- Firmware includes synthesis engine to simulate target spectra, serial API command set for flexible automated control, and a device specific ISO/IEC 17025 calibration with absolute NIST traceability.
- Includes a convenient GUI application, SpectralLED Assistant, for quick and easy operation of the RS7