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Optical Delay Lines

Fiber Optic Delay Lines (ODL) consist of an input and output fiber collimator to project the light into free space and collect it again into a fiber. The distance the light travels in free space is precisely controlled, either by controlling the separation between the input and output optics, or by reflecting the light off a movable reflector. In either case, by varying the distance the light travels, one can control the delay time through the device.



Delay lines are offered using singlemode, multimode or Polarization Maintaining (PM) fibers. In general, OZ Optics uses polarization maintaining fibers based on the PANDA fiber structure when building polarization maintaining components and patchcords. However OZ Optics can construct devices using other PM fiber structures. We do carry some alternative fiber types in stock, so please contact our sales department for availability. If necessary, we are willing to use customer supplied fibers to build devices.

Delay lines are offered in both manual or electrically controlled versions. Manual delay lines utilize either a lead screw or a micrometer to adjust the spacing. Electrically controlled versions utilize a servo motor with encoders to monitor the motion. With this device submicron resolution (<0.003 ps) is achieved. The delay line is easily controlled by a computer via an RS-232 interface or manually using some simple TTL input signals. These devices are calibrated to provide the delay in picoseconds. Home and end position sensors prevent accidental damage to the device.
A miniature style delay line provides up to 13 picoseconds delay in a miniature package. The unit takes up little more space than an ordinary patchcord connection, and is easily adjustable and lockable.


• Low insertion loss
• Sub-picosecond resolution
• Wide wavelength range
New: Over 600 ps delay range
• Polarization insensitive
• Singlemode and polarization maintaining fiber versions
• Electrically controlled versions available
• Miniature style version
• 400–2000 nm wavelength range


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