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Trade-in offer for a new JENOPTIK GRYPHAX® camera

Your old microscope camera is defective? It is still worth cash money!

Replace your old microscope camera with a JENOPTIK GRYPHAX® camera and continue using your microscope instead of replacing the complete system including accessories. This is ecologically sustainable and minimizes your replacement investment.

Your old camera does not run on WIN 10 anymore? WIN 7 is not secure enough for you?

Time for an upgrade! Bring your equipment up to scratch and exchange your old microscope camera for a WINDOWS 10-compatible JENOPTIK GRYPHAX® camera. Make your system fit, secure and compatible for innovative software features.

The performance of your old camera no longer matches your daily challenges?

Time for an upgrade! The JENOPTIK GRYPHAX® software is constantly being optimized and enhanced with modern features. The growing number of third-party software options is also constantly opening up new possibilities and areas of application for you. Switch to the innovative world of our new JENOPTIK GRYPHAX® series and get 20% price advantage for NAOS, KAPELLA, PROKYON, RIGEL or POLARIS camera!

With one of these 3 reasons you qualify for a 20% discount on the sales price of NAOS, KAPELLA, PROKYON, RIGEL or POLARIS camera.

View the different models over here:







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