Visit us @ Food Technology 2022 ‘s-Hertogenbosch.
Visit us at the Food Technology 2022 ‘s-Hertogenbosch.
visit our booth at the FoorTechnology to get up-to-date with the latest technology on NIR, FTIR and Hyperspectral.
We show for example the Trinamix FTIR protable handscanner, Highthrougpput UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy from Princeton Instruments, Handheld PAR measurement devices from Gigahertz-Optik, Hyperspectral solutions from Clyde HyperSpectralImagine and much more……
Booth 90
Visit the lecture from:
Robert Lovrincic, Trinamix
13 april 14:45 – 15:10, zaal 2
Mobile NIR Spectroscopy for Farm-to-Fork Quality Control
Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is a powerful tool for fast and reliable analysis of food samples. trinamiX has esetablished a mobile NIR spectroscopy solution that combines hardware, cloud-based software, and applications. We will present technical setails of our system and highlight some important apllications from farm to fork.
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Visit the lecture from:
John Danskin, ClydeHSI
14 april 14:15-14:40, zaal 2
Real-time Hyperspectral Imaging for Food Applications
Hyperspectral Imaging is transitioning from research activities, into industrial process monitoring. This talk will describe recent developments in Hyperspectral Imaging for real-time analysis and decision making in food factory applications. We will describe the techniques of hyperspectral imaging, and how they can be deployed in several different food production environments, with examples from systems deployed in Europe and the USA.
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